Friday, January 3, 2020

You deserve better!

Well now...Just a short message.
It seems that thanks to the whole current drama situation happening in the Mukbang community, one very important subject has surfaced again. Something which I have always thought was a very ridiculous way of thinking, and something I find very disgusting, has come up. And that is, spending money on gifts and what not on someone and expecting something in return.
Where do I begin with this?
Okay...First of all, if you have this mentality,  in my POV, it is a SICK outlook. Aside from the fact that NO ONE ever owes anyone a thing. And just because you have spent some money on anyone, it doesn't give you the right to expect anything. That is an issue that must be dealt with, maybe with a counselor or therapist. Why? Because you are WRONG! That type of behavior is abusive in nature. Just, Plain and simple, DISGUSTING behavior.
I for one, LOVE gifting friends and acquaintances I care for with gifts. My friends know this of me already. I love gifting when I can. I have even taken Jackets off myself to give it to strangers who have needed them more than me. And as much I love gifting, I would never expect anything in return. It is the giving and the joy I see in the other person's face that make me happy...and sometimes really emotional as well. I have loved someone for a long time that I have lost contact with. But, if he needed me, I would be there for him as much as I could be. And, I wouldn't expect a thing in return. 
To expect anything from someone whom happens to be a precipitant of anything gifted is just wrong!
And if you are reading this and you are feeling pressure to do something because the other person is expecting something...YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING THAT YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING, EVER. And, that person that is making you feel this way is NOT a good person at all. You do not need that type of person in your life at all. They are a toxic person who is a bit of a narcissist. That is not a healthy relationship to be in...Love wise or Friendship.
This type of relationship is just as bad as those who are physically abusive or indifferent or ignore you until they want something. These are the people you must walk away from...People you have to let go.
And THAT just hit me in the face. 😳 LOL! Funny how one may know things already but, may not recognize that they must do something until it is written down in black and white in front of them. WOW! Well, there you go, I must do some thing that I have just realized something.
There is much I have to think about now and take into consideration. 🤔
I can see why blogs are such a powerful and therapeutic thing to do. very much like a diary...a public diary. LOL! But, it has given me insight into something I had not realized.
Anyway, NO ONE should make you feel like you owe them anything. And no one should ever make you feel like you are less than, EVER!!
With that said, and I did mention it was going to be a short one, I hope this made sense and I hope you all have beautiful Dark dreams. Enjoy life, love, live and "Share".

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